IT Productivity

How to Fix Distant Bluetooth Audio

After recently getting the Poly Voyager Focus 2 headet to help block the noise of my air conditioning out while on calls all day long, I found they had a very distant Bluetooth audio. This seemed to only happen in calls and was extremely frustrating. After a bit of investigation, it turned out that Windows…Continue readingHow to Fix Distant Bluetooth Audio

IT Productivity

How to keep GSuite Legacy for Free

Google announced the closure of GSuite legacy in January 2022. GSuite (formaly Google Apps) is a service that many signed up to for providing email for domain names. Google have not provided clear options to keep GSuite legacy accounts, apart from migrating to Google Workspace and paying handsomely for it. In typical Google style, they…Continue readingHow to keep GSuite Legacy for Free

IT Living with Sight Loss Productivity

How to get Dark Mode websites on iPhone and iPad

Over the last few years there has been a rise in popularity of dark mode. Dark mode features are now readily available on operating systems and some websites. There are still many websites that don’t have the option and that’s where NightEye can help with browser extensions that can turnsany website into dark mode. NightEye…Continue readingHow to get Dark Mode websites on iPhone and iPad

Business IT Microsoft Office Productivity

How to fix Microsoft Teams Performance Issues

As many of us have adjusted to remote working, a large amount of our time is spent within Microsoft Teams, so what do you do when it isn’t performing as it needs to? Continue reading to find out how to fix Microsoft Teams performance issues. Symptoms of Microsoft Teams Performance Issues Teams CPU usage is…Continue readingHow to fix Microsoft Teams Performance Issues

Business IT Microsoft Office Productivity

How to fix Outlook 365 Performance Issues

Outlook 365 Windows desktop app is critical for many of us, so what do you do when it isn’t performing as it needs to? Continue reading to find out how to fix Outlook 365 performance issues. Symptoms of Outlook 365 Performance Issues Outlook CPU usage is high Animated gif’s / images in emails stutter Switching…Continue readingHow to fix Outlook 365 Performance Issues

IT Life Smart Home

How to Airplay to a Fire TV (Screen Mirror)

Amazon Fire TV usage is wide spread due to low cost and the wide range of support for streaming services, I am a big fan and have many in my house. My main complaint has been the inability to screen mirror my Apple devices using Airplay to a Fire TV. Well until I found AirReceiver…Continue readingHow to Airplay to a Fire TV (Screen Mirror)

IT Living with Sight Loss Microsoft Office

How to fix Outlook and Word 365 performance issues with Fusion 2020 (Jaws/Zoomtext)

On first installing Fusion 2020 from Freedom Scientific on a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 (i7 16GB Ram, SSD) it would work for a few minutes, but then just lock up when using Word or Outlook from Office 365. My CPU was at 100%, so I convinced my employer to upgrade the laptop, but that didn’t…Continue readingHow to fix Outlook and Word 365 performance issues with Fusion 2020 (Jaws/Zoomtext)

Business IT Life

Reflecting on 20 years in IT

As 2020 draws to an end, I wanted to share Reflecting on 20 years in IT. Twenty years ago I started my first job as IT Manager for a Food Testing Laboratory. At 18 I found myself being solely responsible for all IT across two sites. This was my dream job, and I was determined…Continue readingReflecting on 20 years in IT

Business IT

What does 99% uptime mean?

Over the years I have seen uptime stated as part of service level agreements for a wide range of services, from internet connections to web hosting and online applications. When picking a solution with a service level agreement, it is important to check that the details meet your requirements Reviewing the Service Level Agreement (SLA)…Continue readingWhat does 99% uptime mean?

IT Productivity

5 tips for working with PDF documents

PDF as a document format has taken the world by storm. Only a few short years ago we needed to buy expensive software to create and edit PDF documents, but due to its popularity there is a now a wide range of software available for free. Top 5 Tips for working with PDF documents 1.…Continue reading5 tips for working with PDF documents