Accessibility IT Productivity

How to Check PDF Accessibility

I was asked recently if a PDF generated by a colleague was accessible to me as a screen reader. As it happens, it wasn’t, and I provided feedback. But it got me into looking for tools that allows people to check PDF accessibility. Aren’t all PDF’s accessible? Heck no, far from it. PDF is one…Continue readingHow to Check PDF Accessibility

Accessibility Business IT Life

Where do I start with Accessibility? [Updated 11 Aug 24]

Where do I start with Accessibility? is the first question that anyone new to accessibility asks. Therefore, this post aims to provide a starting point to get involved with accessibility, regardless of you level of knowledge or role. This post was last updated on 11 August 2024. Jump to updated Section What is Accessibility? Accessibility…Continue readingWhere do I start with Accessibility? [Updated 11 Aug 24]

Living with Sight Loss Microsoft Office Productivity

How to Make Documents Accessible

We send and receive hundreds of documents a week, but are they accessible to the very people we want to consume them? One in five people have a disability; therefore, it is probable that some recipients will have difficulty in accessing our content if it isn’t accessible. So how do we make documents accessible? The…Continue readingHow to Make Documents Accessible

Life Living with Sight Loss Smart Home

How to use NFC to trigger Apple Shortcuts

A few months back, I saw an option in Apple Shortcuts to use an NFC to trigger a shortcut. Intrigued, I investigated How to use NFC to trigger Apple Shortcuts and found that NFC tags are inexpensive and easy to set up. What is an NFC Tag? A Near Field Communication tag is a small…Continue readingHow to use NFC to trigger Apple Shortcuts

Living with Sight Loss

How to turn any website to Dark Mode

Dark mode is taking the world by storm. Dark Mode is prefered by many due to the reduction in eyestrain. Microsoft Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android all offer dark mode options and many apps are following the trend, unfortunately it is taking much longer for websites to follow suit. In this article, I share how…Continue readingHow to turn any website to Dark Mode