Accessibility Living with Sight Loss

Blind and Low Vision Smart Glasses Explained

There are many Smart Glasses available to support blind and low vision users, but are they for you? Well, that is going to depend on many factors, such as your level of vision and the scenarios you want to use them. In this article, I will outline the categories of smart glasses and their use…Continue readingBlind and Low Vision Smart Glasses Explained

Accessibility Living with Sight Loss

Sight Village Interviews – Behind the Scenes

In September, I attended Sight Village Northeast, held at the Royal Armouries in Leeds, to explore the latest in assistive technology to help the Blind and Low Vision community. After recording some audio interviews at Sight Village Central back in 2023, which Double Tap kindly aired, I was keen to repeat. Double Tap now includes…Continue readingSight Village Interviews – Behind the Scenes

Smart Home

Add AirPlay to Existing Speakers

TLDR: Add AirPlay to Existing Speakers with an Apple AirPort Express A1392 The Background Our neighbours would be forgiven for thinking that I am torturing a cat every time I have a shower. Like many I like to listen to music and audio books in the shower. When we had our bathroom done a few…Continue readingAdd AirPlay to Existing Speakers

Smart Home

Turning TPLink Kasa Smart Plugs Off in App Stopped Working

In 2022, We invested in a large number of TP Kasa single plugs and the three-way extension leads to help us control our energy consumption. These turn off devices at night and when not needed. I had a couple of early Kasa smart plugs which had been flawless for years, hence was confident in buying…Continue readingTurning TPLink Kasa Smart Plugs Off in App Stopped Working

IT Productivity

Switch to a Mac from PC

I decided to switch to a Mac from PC in late 2023, and I must say that I wish I had made the move much earlier…. However, there are a few adjustments I needed to make and thought I would note them down to help others. How does the Mac Differ? I found this short…Continue readingSwitch to a Mac from PC

IT Productivity

Mac App Installs with HomeBrew

In December 2023, I made the move to a Macbook Pro after being a Windows guy for decades. I want to share my learnings as I get used to the Mac. In this post, I focus on Mac App installs with Homebrew. What is HomeBrew? Homebrew is a package installer, it is a command line…Continue readingMac App Installs with HomeBrew

Accessibility Life Living with Sight Loss

Sight Village Central 2023: My Experience

This week I attended my first Sight Village Central 2023 in Birmingham, UK and had a fantastic time meeting many people, some I have engaged with online for many years. Sight Village Central is an exhibition featuring organisations providing services and products to support the blind and low vision community. You can find out more…Continue readingSight Village Central 2023: My Experience

Living with Sight Loss Microsoft Office Productivity

How to Make Documents Accessible

We send and receive hundreds of documents a week, but are they accessible to the very people we want to consume them? One in five people have a disability; therefore, it is probable that some recipients will have difficulty in accessing our content if it isn’t accessible. So how do we make documents accessible? The…Continue readingHow to Make Documents Accessible

IT Living with Sight Loss

How to Configure iPhone Accessibility Features

The iPhone is praised for the large amount of accessibility features included as standard, but how do you know what is available and how to set it up? This article explores how to configure iPhone accessibility features. Genius Bar / Apple Store can configure iPhone accessibility features For hands on help, if you are near…Continue readingHow to Configure iPhone Accessibility Features

Life Living with Sight Loss

Top 5 iPhone Apps for Users with Sight Loss

Blind and partially sighted people use assistive technology or adaptations to make the world more accessible. Specialised assistive technology is often prohibitively expensive to many. With the introduction of Mobile phones and apps, it is no understatement to say, ‘There is an App for that’. Let’s explore my Top 5 iPhone Apps for Users with…Continue readingTop 5 iPhone Apps for Users with Sight Loss